To implement Drawer component into your project you’ll need to add the import:
import Drawer from "@kiwicom/orbit-components/lib/Drawer";
After adding import into your project you can use it simply like:
<Drawer shown>Content to show</Drawer>
Table below contains all types of the props available in the Drawer component.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
actions | React.Node | Actions - especially Buttons, that will be rendered on in the Drawer’s header. | |
children | React.Node | The content of the Drawer. | |
dataTest | string | Optional prop for testing purposes. | |
id | string | Set id for Drawer . | |
noPadding | boolean | false | If true the wrapper won’t have any inner padding. |
onClose | () => void \| Promise | Function for handling onClose event. | |
position | enum | "right" | The position on which side the Drawer should appear. |
shown | boolean | "true" | If true the Drawer will be visible, otherwise visually hidden, but it will stay in the DOM. |
suppressed | boolean | false | If true , the Drawer will have cloudy background. |
title | string | Title of the Drawer that will be rendered in the Drawer’s header. If ariaLabel is undefined, this will be used as aria-label . | |
width | string | "320px" | The width of the Drawer. |
lockScrolling | boolean | true | Whether to prevent scrolling of the rest of the page while Drawer is open. This is on by default to provide a better user experience. |
fixedHeader | boolean | If true the DrawerHeader will be fixed to the top. | |
labelHide | string | Hide | Label for the close button. |
ariaLabel | string | Optional prop for aria-label . |
position |
"right" |
"left" |